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I’m Telling You Nuffink Rozzer

Last updated on September 22nd, 2023 at 08:26 pm

Last updated on September 22nd, 2023 at 08:26 pm

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Some time ago, you may remember, I posed the question whether it was approriate that one of our more northerly PCCs paid the ACPO membership fees.

I got a very fuzzy reply from the PCC concerned, that it was all a mistake and had come out of the wrong budget, still hasn’t been replaced though last time I looked.

As a response to an FOI request I was supplied with a copy of the invoice showing that this had been agreed at a General Meeting of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners.  So I was straight on it and asked for a copy of the minutes of that meeting.


Eventually I got a reply back from somebody called James Waters

As we are a membership organisation these are private confidential documents, and we are not covered by the FOI terms.

If you can be specific about what information you are seeking, we can reconsider the request and try and assist further.



So I was VERY specific about what I wanted, just that part of the minutes that covered that alleged agreement


Despite the fact that PCCs are subject to the Freedom of Information Act, the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners feels that it is not, and we ain’t telling you nuffink.

‘Nuff Said.

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