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I Don’t Often Say This But Please Tell Me I’m Wrong

Last updated on May 8th, 2023 at 11:35 am

Last updated on May 8th, 2023 at 11:35 am

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It was only about a week ago that I wrote a blog post about a rumour I had heard.

I had heard a vicious rumour that the number of warranted officers was destined to be reduced to 80,000.

I still don’t know if there is any truth to the rumour but a few things have happened since then that tend to support the rumour mill.

Firstly, Gidiot delivered his Autumn Statement in which he tried to convince us that although the National Deficit had actually increased, all was well and he continually referred to being ‘on course’.

In short order the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) proclaimed the Autumn Statement was unsustainable without ‘colossal cuts’ in the years to come.

This was followed by me receiving two Tweets from Jeffrey Harris, Deputy PCC of Surrey, in which he estimates that 49.000 jobs across the Service are in jeopardy over the next five years.

The first was;

And the second;

Mr Harris’ blog contains the following paragraph;

“The current Government have already made it clear that Education, Military and Health spending will be protected. ( Along with other protected Departments-leaving just a few including those charged with maintaining a sense of safety for us all to carry the burden).”

So, no mention of Police budgets being protected, and, indeed, we weren’t expecting them to be, to be honest.

Nil protection on the budgets, FIVE more years of Austerity (at least). So what do you think? Do you think those wicked rumours might be true?

BBC News reported;

“Forecasters predict public spending will fall to levels not seen since the 1930s, suggesting the loss of one million public sector jobs by 2020.”

Maybe, just maybe, this is the real reason why Boris unilaterally ordered a couple of Water Cannon? Because he knew what was coming and there wouldn’t be enough troops to quell the riots? Who knows?

Answers on a postcard please. Will the last one out please turn off the lights.

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4 Replies to “I Don’t Often Say This But Please Tell Me I’m Wrong”

  1. david

    What is remarkable in the last thirty plus years is how little public disorder we have seen. The Miners Strike, the Poll Tax, the first Gulf War and the occassional urban English rioting. I expect a MPS veteran would say different.

    Have the planners if they notice history was that factored that in? Somehow I doubt this government would listen to warnings from ACPO, even the Home Office.

    Disorder is the overt sign of dissent and protest. The poll tax campaign on the streets was – reportedly – outweighed in impact for local councils by the refusal to register and internal sabotage of records held on computer. I do wonder if one cause or a mix could swiftly gather dissenting support, without disorder and effectively gum up governance. The first milk / fuel protest comes to mind.

    One thing is certain, so far, the “usual suspects” have failed to have a cause that resonates widely and gain traction with the public. I would cite the small minority support amongst students at university over cuts etc as an example.

  2. david

    What is remarkable in the last thirty plus years is how little public disorder we have seen. The Miners Strike, the Poll Tax, the first Gulf War and the occassional urban English rioting. I expect a MPS veteran would say different.

    Have the planners if they notice history was that factored that in? Somehow I doubt this government would listen to warnings from ACPO, even the Home Office.

    Disorder is the overt sign of dissent and protest. The poll tax campaign on the streets was – reportedly – outweighed in impact for local councils by the refusal to register and internal sabotage of records held on computer. I do wonder if one cause or a mix could swiftly gather dissenting support, without disorder and effectively gum up governance. The first milk / fuel protest comes to mind.

    One thing is certain, so far, the “usual suspects” have failed to have a cause that resonates widely and gain traction with the public. I would cite the small minority support amongst students at university over cuts etc as an example.

  3. S

    Quite obvious they expect civil disorder. There’s loads of public order training. They also want more powers on internet/communications/cctv not just for real terrorism, but organised protest from ordinary people who might have put up with it all so far.

    Country is in a state. Its still a rich country, except sadly the wealth is all held by the few and their mates. The rest if us just pay. I’m seeing people in decent tax paying jobs put out of work or getting replacement low paid jobs paying less tax. More and more people fed up with issues in this country. Sadly though, if you talk to many police officers as I do, many don’t understand even the plight of civilian staff. Many joined from school, have done 20 years plus with promotional opportunities and no chance of redundancy. There are still many that should spare a thought for others. Whilst I get fed up with people protesting about everything, many normal people are having their lives, income, pensions, thoughts for their kids turned upside down through no fault of their own. They could be the people protesting shortly.

  4. S

    Quite obvious they expect civil disorder. There’s loads of public order training. They also want more powers on internet/communications/cctv not just for real terrorism, but organised protest from ordinary people who might have put up with it all so far.

    Country is in a state. Its still a rich country, except sadly the wealth is all held by the few and their mates. The rest if us just pay. I’m seeing people in decent tax paying jobs put out of work or getting replacement low paid jobs paying less tax. More and more people fed up with issues in this country. Sadly though, if you talk to many police officers as I do, many don’t understand even the plight of civilian staff. Many joined from school, have done 20 years plus with promotional opportunities and no chance of redundancy. There are still many that should spare a thought for others. Whilst I get fed up with people protesting about everything, many normal people are having their lives, income, pensions, thoughts for their kids turned upside down through no fault of their own. They could be the people protesting shortly.

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