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Hypocrisy and the Royal Mail

Last updated on March 14th, 2019 at 02:27 pm

Last updated on March 14th, 2019 at 02:27 pm

Reading Time: 2 minutes

My Bullshit Meter swung violently up to 11 this morning.

I was unfortunate enough to catch the Government Minister for Being a Pillock assure the British Public that the 6 days a week service provided by the Royal Mail was protected by law and the public had nothing to fear from the upcoming sale of the Royal Mail.  This is surely the same ConDem Government that couldn’t change pensions for existing officers etc so THEY CHANGED THE LAW.

This has to be the most bald-faced cynicism imaginable and completely assumes that the British Public are, indeed, pillocks (which they most certainly are not).

But here is what is very unusual about this share sale. It is taking place at a time when the CWU union is balloting its 125,000 Royal Mail members on a strike, over pay, pension changes and post-privatisation terms and conditions of work.

As Royal Mail admits, there is a very real risk of its shares being offered for sale, including to postal workers, at a time when industrial action brings the mail service to a standstill.

Come the next election I sincerely hope that DeadBadgerShire can field a candidate to oppose the Right Dishonourable Owen Twatfeatures, one whose values are based on transparency, honesty and integrity (too much to ask?)

As an added extra to the above (buy one get one free with RetiredAndAngry), the very same Minister for Being a Pillock was asked how much of the Royal Mail was in line for being sold off.  His answer was clear – it depends on the demand for shares, the greater the demand, the more they’ll sell off.  The Royal Mail is safe in their hands. Where have I heard that before?

Cynicism and Hypocrisy abound.

Privatisation is Alive and Well.


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