
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

Have I Got This Right?

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Or am I completely barking?

Police Officers are being moved out of ‘back room’ jobs and put back on the beat where they have always belonged, right?  No arguement there.

Police Staff (Civvies or Civilian Support Staff) then spread themselves more thinly to cover for the Police Officers who have been redeployed onto Beat Duties, right?

Then in whose world does it make sense to shed Police Staff jobs when they’ve just spread themselves more thinly to take up the slack?  Because that’s exactly what the Chief Constable and PCC of Dyfed Powys Police proposes to do.

Having reduced Police Officer strengths below what they need to achieve by 2015, they now propose reducing Police Staff strength by more than 10%. I’m not sure how that improves efficiency or serves and protects the public.

I’m bloody glad I’m a crusty old Pensioner. Happy New Year to Dyfed Powys Police and their Public

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4 Replies to “Have I Got This Right?”

  1. Steve

    You are right except you make it sound like the cuts to civilians are only just beginning. Up and down the country the process of redundancy has been on going for 3-4 years with minimal pay offs close to the legal minimum. When a force says it is making cuts, it can only reduce police officer numbers by natural wastage, recruiting less than retire. The police officer salaries of a force may account for typically around 60%. Consequently the cuts are actually made more severely and rapidly from the remaining budget in the force, i.e, 40% civilians staff, buildings, vehicle fleet, money for investigations, forensic samples. many civilians have lost their jobs already, amalgamations of resources with neighbouring forces, forensic officers particularly seem hard hit. Forces are cut beyond the level of providing a proper service but few in ACPO seem to complain publically. Front line policing, and more importantly experienced officers are reducing down. Public services are being deliberately undermined.

    • retiredandangry

      You’re absolutely right Steve, and this decimation just has to stop somewhere or the capabilities of the Police Service will be radically reduced. But maybe that’;s what they want. Once it’s broken, not easily mended

  2. Steve

    You are right except you make it sound like the cuts to civilians are only just beginning. Up and down the country the process of redundancy has been on going for 3-4 years with minimal pay offs close to the legal minimum. When a force says it is making cuts, it can only reduce police officer numbers by natural wastage, recruiting less than retire. The police officer salaries of a force may account for typically around 60%. Consequently the cuts are actually made more severely and rapidly from the remaining budget in the force, i.e, 40% civilians staff, buildings, vehicle fleet, money for investigations, forensic samples. many civilians have lost their jobs already, amalgamations of resources with neighbouring forces, forensic officers particularly seem hard hit. Forces are cut beyond the level of providing a proper service but few in ACPO seem to complain publically. Front line policing, and more importantly experienced officers are reducing down. Public services are being deliberately undermined.

    • retiredandangry

      You’re absolutely right Steve, and this decimation just has to stop somewhere or the capabilities of the Police Service will be radically reduced. But maybe that’;s what they want. Once it’s broken, not easily mended

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