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First It Was Athena………..Now iOPS

Sinclair ZX81

Last updated on September 19th, 2023 at 03:52 pm

Last updated on September 19th, 2023 at 03:52 pm

Reading Time: 2 minutes

……………Now we have iOPS

Don’t worry, I’m not going to bore you with a rehash of everything good about the wonder that is Athena.  Hot on the heels of Athena Greater Manchester Police have the wondrous iOPS system.  From reports I’m hearing it’s every bit as good as Athena.

I don’t think that I can sing its praises any better than the Manchester Evening News has in it’s piece subtly entitled 

The astonishing testimony of police whistleblowers who claim the new GMP computer system is so unusable that people will die unless it’s fixed

Multiple whistleblowers have allegedly contacted the Manchester Evening News complaining about the shortcomings of GMP’s £27 Million computer system iOPS.  Designed by Capita, the Force’s Integrated Police Operating System has been beset with problems from the outset, many so serious that officers fear that lives may well be lost if it is not sorted soon.  Whilst the Chief Constable, Ian Hopkins, has fiercely defended the system, many officers and support staff including SNT Officers, Detectives and Middle Ranking Officers have complained that it is basically unusable.

Problems range from inability to log on and inability to access information about crimes on their ‘patch’ depriving them of vital intelligence when they go out on patrol.  The officers were/are so worried about it that a Group was set up on Facebook called iFlops, ad a humorous post on the Force’s own internal Bulletin Board just said

“This is like groundhog day, achieving the square root of nothing.

Is it home time yet?”

In less than a week iFlops gained over 1,500 members but the Group has now been ‘frozen’.

I urge you to read the full Newspaper article (link above) it contains far, far more info and examples than I have used. One thing is for certain though, following on the heels of Athena, the Police Service does not need another dud. “Designed by Capita….?” Is this another startling success for a previous Home Secretary’s outsourcing policy? Most of those have been abject failures so far.

Anyone brave enough to supply examples of iOPS’ iFlops please feel free to use the Comments section below, anonymously of course, and I’m quite happy to give them an audience if that is your desire.

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