
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.


  • Thumbnail for Policing Is Not A Chumocracy

    Policing Is Not A Chumocracy

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Apologies for yet one more post this week, but a simple post on Twitter this morning has potentially revealed something unsavoury and unwelcome. It started…

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  • Thumbnail for Primary Objects

    Primary Objects

    Reading Time: 3 minutes According to Sir Richard Mayne The primary object of an efficient police is the prevention of crime: the next that of detection and punishment of…

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  • Thumbnail for More Smoke And Mirrors

    More Smoke And Mirrors

    Reading Time: 5 minutes Knife Crime. Who is to blame? Certainly anyone carrying or wielding a knife without a reasonable excuse or lawful authority is to blame. Government silliness…

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  • Thumbnail for Scandalous Reduction in Police Officer Numbers

    Scandalous Reduction in Police Officer Numbers

    Reading Time: < 1 minute I am thankful to my friend @ConstableChaos for bringing this to my attention Staffordshire Police have seen a reduction in officers from 2,400 to 1,600…

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  • Thumbnail for Your Country Needs You (Like Never Before)

    Your Country Needs You (Like Never Before)

    Reading Time: 4 minutes There surely cannot be a person over the age of 14 or so who is still unaware of the seemingly uncontrollable epidemic of stabbings and…

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  • Thumbnail for Police Pay Pensions and Conditions – It All Makes Sense Now

    Police Pay Pensions and Conditions – It All Makes Sense Now

    Reading Time: 2 minutes But I still don’t agree with it. Correct me if I’m wrong but the first major changes came with Tom Winsor’s ‘Independent’ Reviews. Instead of…

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  • Thumbnail for Police League Tables

    Police League Tables

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Not quite the League Tables you might have been expecting though. Since 2010 it should be no surprise to anyone that approx 21,000 Police Officers…

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  • Taxi For Mrs May

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Call me old-fashioned but it is clearly time for Theresa May to go. She has made a complete Horlicks (mustn’t swear apparently) of the Brexit…

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  • Thumbnail for Who Co-Ordinates The Co-Ordinators?

    Who Co-Ordinates The Co-Ordinators?

    Reading Time: 3 minutes Mustn’t swear, honestly, but yesterday provided me with a  true WTF moment. Following the recent visit of that nice Mr Trump to the UK, it…

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  • Thumbnail for The State of Policing 2018

    The State of Policing 2018

    Reading Time: 2 minutes Fortuitously there has just been a release of Police Manpower (sorry, I still call it that, no offence intended) and the latest Crime Data for…

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