
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.


  • Thumbnail for Against The Odds

    Against The Odds

    Reading Time: 3 minutes As a rule I try not to promote the BBC, I personally find them to be less than independent, and frequently appear to be more…

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  • I Must Have Nodded Off And Woken Up In LaLa Land

    Reading Time: 2 minutes I’m about to phone the surgery and make an appointment to see the doctor.   Either the news of the last few days is absolutely…

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  • Was It April Fools Day Yesterday?

    Reading Time: 4 minutes I was absolutely stunned at the amount of total bolleaux in the British Press yesterday in relation to Policing. It was so bad that I…

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  • Just Open Another Box

    Reading Time: 2 minutes If ever I needed proof that the government have succeeded in hoodwinking the great British Public it was served up in abundance on last night’s BBC1.…

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  • Here Is Today’s News………

    Reading Time: < 1 minute But probably not the News that Camoron and the BBC want us to read. The BBC News website proudly carries a story this morning about…

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