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Carrying A Knife? Do Something Good With It, Help Make An Angel


Last updated on May 8th, 2023 at 11:42 am

Last updated on May 8th, 2023 at 11:42 am

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Something totally different from me today.

I recently got to know the British Ironworks Centre at Oswestry. They do lots of good work for many different charities.  I sometimes think that they do more charitable work than paid commissions.

Spoon Gorilla

They came to notice recently when one of their employees, Alfie Bradley, made a huge gorilla, 12-13 feet tall, commissioned by Uri Geller, and it was made entirely from 40,000 spoons.

The latest project for British Ironworks, and Alfie, is to make an Angel out of knives, and in order to do this they are taking the knives collected by Police Force Amnesties across the country (I’m not certain if it’s every Force).  In order to facilitate this they are providing Forces with free Knife Bins, for any Force that wants them.



The centre said that this project would not just be art, but could save lives.

Clive Knowles, Managing Director of the British Ironworks Centre, said: “We want to do an enormous angel that would represent love and hope and people that are lost.”

He said the team were going to launch their Save a life, Surrender a Knife appeal and admitted finding a large number of weapons would be the biggest challenge.

Alfie and Some of His Knives

He added that it could help to “re-energise” a number of knife surrenders and amnesties organised by police forces across the country.

The finished product will be about 20 feet high and it is hoped that it will be unveiled on the ‘4th plinth’ at Trafalgar Square some time next year.


Greater Manchester Police are one of many Forces signed up for the scheme and using the British Ironworks Knife Bins.

I can but urge anybody who carries a knife, Parents, any Youth Leaders, Probation Officers, Teachers etc etc to get behind this scheme and help make a national statue that will pay tribute to those who have died through knife crime.  If this scheme does indeed Save Lives, then it will have been a very worthwhile project.

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