
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

A [Collective Noun] of Deputies

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Good afternoon dear readers,

There has been some mucho amusing banter on Twitter in the last day or so about a suitable collective noun for the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioners.  Some worthy suggestions have been put forward, but I thought it would be a bit of fun to conduct a poll, give everybody the chance to contribute and then publish the results in a week or so, and maybe even pas the results on to the press or the PCCs Professional body (I’m sure they’ll have one somewhere) for their perusal and so they can maybe choose one.

So I’ve started the poll off with the ones that I’ve seen so far, feel free to add your own at the bottom, You can vote for as many as you want, so have some fun

[polldaddy poll=6742071]

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