
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

Welcome to RetiredAndAngry

Last updated on November 25th, 2023 at 08:26 pm

Reading Time: < 1 minute
Welcome to RetiredAndAngry

Welcome to RetiredAndAngry.

If you haven’t been here before you will find that it’s mainly about Policing and the problems affecting them.  You will always find a list of my most recent posts in the sidebar, you can use the Search function, or look in the archives.

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Most of all, I hope you find it of interest.

Here’s my latest offering 

  • End Of Year State Of The Metropolitan Police
    Reading Time: 3 minutes This week saw the release of the March 2024 Workforce levels.  I can finally see what the end of year state of the Metropolitan Police is.  Did the downward trend continue, or was it just a transitory blip?  If you need reminding you can see my two previous posts here and here. Workforce Strength The…
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