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Two Simple Questions, How Hard Can It Be?

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  1. Could you please provide me with the estimated/anticipated cost of
    providing a Candidate Leaflet or ‘Mailshot’ for the 2016 Mayoral
  2. Could you please provide me with the estimated/anticipated cost of
    providing a Candidate Leaflet or ‘Mailshot’ for the 2016 Local
    Authority Elections?

And the answer from our illustrious Cabinet Office?

I am writing to advise you that following a search of our paper and electronic records, I
have established that the information you requested is  not held by the Cabinet Office.

It might be helpful if I explained that funding for Candidate Leaflets or ‘Mailshots’ does
not come from the Cabinet Office, so we don’t hold the information requested.

You may wish to try the Electoral Commission which holds information on how much 
candidates have spent on campaigns. 

And the issue that prompted my question in the first place?

Voters will not be sent impartial information about candidates for next year’s police and crime commissioner elections, the BBC understands.

The Cabinet Office is understood to have ruled out sending free mail-shots to households – despite criticism about the low turn-out for the 2012 poll.

Candidate information for the local and mayoral elections will be sent free of charge to each household.

However, the BBC understands the information will not be sent out for the PCC poll.

If that is not an excellent example of Government and Civil Servants colluding to fudge the issue and feed the voting mushrooms bullshit I have yet to see one.

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