
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

Total Policing

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Please forgive me.

I do try not to write more than one blog in a day, it plays havoc with me quill, but one of our number (you know who you are you naughty little person you) sent me this today, and once I had finished spluttering coffee into my bottle of Quink I thought that today would be the perfect day to share it with you.



Total Policing means;

  • A total war on crime, total care for victims, and total professionalism from our staff.

Our objectives are;

  • to cut crime, cut costs, and continue to develop the culture of the organisation. We will achieve this with; humility, integrity and transparency. 
  • we will develop making the Met the best police service in the world.

The highlighting is mine.

There are no prizes for guessing whose website this was plundered from, but anyone thinking that Bernard Hyphen-Who and his Senior Command Team are acting with any of those qualities can form an orderly queue.

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