
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

Theresa May – The Petitions

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There are 3 Government Petitions relating to the delightful lady at the moment.

The first, and with the most signatures is

Theresa May to go on patrol with a police force for a full set of night shifts. (15,477 signatures)

If it gets to 100,000 signatures the government will debate it, but when it reached 10,000 signatures the Home Office responded thus

Police reform is working and that is due in no small part to the professionalism, dedication and sacrifice shown by police officers and staff in the line of their duty.

This Government deeply values the professionalism, dedication and sacrifice shown by police officers up and down the country in the line of their duty.

This Government recognises that the reforms in policing have presented challenges for police officers, but it is equally clear that the police have risen to those challenges. In 2010, we faced the toughest fiscal challenge in living memory and this Government has had to take difficult decisions across the public sector, including in reforming the police. Throughout this significant time of change it has been clear that the programme of reform is about giving back operational control so that the police can do what they do best – get on with fighting crime.

There is no question that the police still have the resources to do their important work. HMIC has made clear that the police are successfully meeting the challenge of balancing their books while protecting the frontline and delivering reductions in crime.

Police reform is working and crime has fallen by 8 per cent year-on-year, according to the independent Crime Survey for England and Wales, and by more than a quarter since 2010. People, communities and property across the country are safer as a result.

The need for reform does not stop here, and the job is not yet finished. Reform over the next five years will mean working to understand and reduce demand on policing and facing up to the changing nature of crime and its impact on police forces.

Home Office

(my bolding)  No mention of doing a full set of Night Shifts there then.

Next up is

Vote for no confidence in Home Secretary Theresa May (4,656 signatures)

The government will respond at 10,000 votes, but 12 of her own constituents have signed so far)

Last of the three is mine

Urgently review the Home Secretary’s Policing Policies before it is too late (3,635 signatures)

Again the government will respond at 10,000 signatures and all should be debated if they reach 100,000 signatures.

So far 11 of her constituents have signed this one.

If you care about Public Safety and Policing in this country, and you would like to sign one or more of these petitions and you haven’t done so already, click on the title of the petition you would like to sign to go to its page.  Don’t let apathy be the big winner here.  I see no reason why serving officers, retired officers and their spouses, partners etc shouldn’t sign, it’s publicised and it’s all part of the democratic process.

Alternatively, you could always try and persuade me what a damn fine job she’s doing and I might shut up (no pronmises though)

And while we’re on the subjewct of Petitions, we shouldn’t forget Lord John Stevens’ Petition

Protect neighbourhood policing (8,077 Signatures)


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