
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

The Met Are Getting Better – They Very Nearly Answered My Request

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In fact they probably think they have answered me, albeit late as usual.

It was just over a month ago, I was getting  absolutely pee’d off listening to all the garbage about the ethnic makeup of the Police Service.  As the largest Force in England and Wales I picked on the Met and asked them what percentage of applicants  in the past two years had been of an Ethnic Minority.  I had anticipated demonstrating how many, or how few, applicants came from Ethnic Minority backgrounds.

What I got back was the percentage of Recruits that were of an Ethnic Minority, not what I had asked for, but better than a Refusal like I normally get.

In 2013 there were a total of 2,343 Recruits in the Met, of which 368 were of a BME (Black & Minority Ethnic) origin.  This makes a percentage of 15.7% of Recruits were from an Ethnic Minority.

In 2014 these numbers had risen slightly to 3,140 Recruits of which 508 (16.2%) were from an Ethnic Minority.

Two things about this surprised me, firstly, the National Average for Ethnic Minority Police Officers was 5.0% in 2013 and 5.2% in 2014, so the Met seem to be making progress towards recruiting more BME officers.

The second thing was the sheer volume of recruits that the Met are taking in these times of Austerity. With losses to be made they must be losing one hell of a lot of experienced officers to make way for these recruits and still cull their workforce.  As I stipulated Police Officers in my request, and their response refers to Police Officers, I assume that I have to trust their figures.




It seems that in 2014 the Met had 7% more BME officers (total) than in 2013 and in 2013 had 2% LESS than in 2012, 2015 figures not yet available. So it seems that their campaign MIGHT be working, but we await long-term results

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