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The Hypocrites Of The Metropolitan Police Service (Not Force)


Last updated on October 11th, 2023 at 08:30 pm

Last updated on October 11th, 2023 at 08:30 pm

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Apologies, I normally try to protect you all from my ramblings on a Sunday, but my p**s has been gripped, strongly.  The Hypocrites of the Metropolitan Police Service (Not Force) have excelled themselves this week.  The upper echelons (that’s those out of touch with reality to you and me) took it upon themselves this week to ban the wearing of the Thin Blue Line patch at this weekends Pride in London.  Many of you will recall that I wrote about this very topic just the other day.

It is alleged that they took this action because the patch is linked to far right extremism in the USA.  While the Thin Blue Line badge has traditionally been used to show support for law enforcement, it has become politically charged in the US. In the US it has been used by counter-protesters at Black Lives Matter marches.  Really?

I have heard the argument put forward on Social Media that “Uniform is Uniform” and if it isn’t issued then don’t wear it.  I wouldn’t disagree violently with that argument. However, it should be tempered with some Common Sense and Discretion.  Regardless of what happens in the USA, in the UK (which is where most of us are) the ‘Thin Blue Line’ imagery is commonly accepted as demonstrating camaraderie among the police family. Also in support for a number of police charities including those supporting the survivors of officers killed in the line of duty. If I was still serving I would have no problem with wearing one.

In November 2022, the Mayor of London’s spokesperson said that the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) Uniform & Appearance Board was reviewing the wearing of the badge “to ensure the MPS approach remains consistent with other forces nationally”. 

The spokesperson said that the Thin Blue Line is “commonly accepted” as “demonstrating camaraderie” among the police.

“Subtle wearing of this imagery, eg: a Velcro patch or pin badge is not prohibited by the current MPS dress code.”

The Commander (whose name I have yet to identify) issued an instruction last week prohibiting the wearing of these patches during Pride.  “No ‘Thin Blue Line’ badges/patches are to be worn whilst policing this event,”  “These have been linked to far-right and anti-trans groups in the US and this year’s Pride is focusing very much on the trans community. This is non-negotiable and supervisors are expected to ensure this is adhered to please.”the commander is reported to have said.

A spokesperson for the MPS went on further to say that officers can only wear insignia associated with the National Police Memorial Day Trust, Help for Heroes and the Royal British Legion charities.

“The Met’s Dress Code Policy sets out the official uniform police officers must adhere to whilst serving the public without fear or favour,” a spokesperson for the force said.

“The policy has not changed. The policy makes exception for the work of the National Police Memorial Day Trust, Help for Heroes and the Royal British Legion charities and permits officers to wear their insignia whilst on duty.”

Two totally opposing viewpoints from the same organisation.

The Hypocrites Of The Metropolitan Police Service (Not Force)

These people, whoever they are, are presumably not well versed in the well-established principle of Without Fear or Favour, even though they quote it, as just a small number of pics from 2023 Pride demonstrate.

The Hypocrites Of The Metropolitan Police Service (Not Force)

The Hypocrites Of The Metropolitan Police Service (Not Force)


If there is to be no discretion or Common Sense applied to the wearing of Thin Blue Line patches then, reluctantly, fine, only it isn’t, because the rules aren’t applied equally to everybody without fear or favour, despite their assurances.  As the Mayor of London’s spokesperson said last year Subtle wearing of this imagery, eg: a Velcro patch or pin badge is not prohibited by the current MPS dress code.

Finally, the last two images are not necessarily from this year’s event, but ask yourselves, are they subtle?  The dress code then was no different to today.


The Hypocrites Of The Metropolitan Police Service (Not Force)

The Hypocrites Of The Metropolitan Police Service (Not Force)
IMG 1635

One of two things is happening here.

1) The Met’s Senior Management are in complete freefall and haven’t got a single clue

The Hypocrites Of The Metropolitan Police Service (Not Force)

2) The Met’s SMT are consciously, or subconsciously biased.

It’s always possible that both options could be true.

Have a good day.


It’s just occurred to me that there was another example of the above this weekend, with the Just Stop Oil demonstration being cleared to make way for the Pride march, but seemingly cannot be cleared to allow our people to get to work, school etc.  When this this begin?  I remember being at Greenham Common (yes, I know it was a long time ago) and a ‘Carrot’ Chief Inspector called us out to clear the road because a group of women were sitting in the road, and refusing to let the convoy leave the base.  The Chief Inspector told them to move, they did not, and 114 of them got themselves arrested en masse for Wilful Obstruction of the Highway.  I’m aware that a recent Court decision has complicated matters, but if you can clear the road for Pride, then you should be able to clear the road to allow people to get to work etc.




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