
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

The Crucifixion Cycle (As Amended)

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Last updated on July 26th, 2023 at 09:01 pm

Last updated on July 26th, 2023 at 09:01 pm

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Crucifixion Cycle

Stage 1

Slash Resources

Government slashes the resources of the public body in question.  Be it NHS, Armed Forces, Police, Education, Coastguard, Fire Service, Probation, Barristers, Junior Doctors……the list just goes on and on.  They have all had their resources slashed to the bone (and possibly deeper) by this failing government in the name of Austerity. Be under NO illusions, more cuts are coming, Gideon said so.

Stage 2

Highlight The Failings

Next Step is to commission a report highlighting the failings of said public body. Policy Exchange (other Think Tanks are widely available) are normally good at issuing reports that seem to support government’s plan of action.

Stage 3

Get the Press to Crucify the Public Body for Their Failings

Certain sectors of the British Press seem only too willing to publish articles, splashed across their front pages, or 1st item on the 10 o’clock news etc, crucifying the public body for their failings. They never seem to mention slashed resources at this stage, just how serious and awful the failings have been, whip up some public backlash, and launch a “heads should roll” theme to move it forward.

Police and NHS are currently suffering at the hands of Stage 3.  Whose turn next?

Stage 4


These public bodies can’t be trusted to organise a beer-drinking event in a brewery.  Just look at the headlines at Stage 3. I know how to sort this out, we’ll privatise them.  We’ve got some Lords with interests in suitable private companies, let’s give them a shot at sorting it all out, perfect solution.

Stage 5

Ignore the findings of Review Body.

Continue to undermine public body by not even awarding miserly pay review body amount

Stage 6

Rob Peter To Pay Paul

Use money stolen from cops pay to pay off your incompetent chums in private sector

Am I wrong?

Is this NOT how it happens?

Where are you on the Wheel of Fortune?

Have you been crucified yet?

With thanks to for his contribution of Stages 5 and 6, thus bringing the Cycle up to date.

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