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Post PPI Grumbles

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Last updated on October 31st, 2023 at 07:05 pm

Last updated on October 31st, 2023 at 07:05 pm

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Just for once a post that has NOTHING to do with Policing. Nothing, not even a little bit, simply post PPI grumbles.

Just over 3 years ago a company trading under the name Gladstone Brookes handled a PPI claim on my behalf against a couple of the major banks.

I went into it willingly, with my eyes open, knowing exactly what it would cost me to have them handle my claim, or so I thought.

I don’t remember being aware that they would deduct Basic Rate Income Tax from the monies they recovered and pay it direct to HMRC without asking me if that’s what I wanted. They deducted their fees (that I HAD approved) and the Income Tax then paid me the balance.

One phone call to HMRC was sufficient to inform me that NO Income Tax was payable as I was way below the threshold for Income Tax on Savings. I was told the Form number I needed to complete to claim it back, I could download it or fill it in online. There was No Charge and, including the Phone Call, took me less than 10 minutes, and the money was in my bank in just a few days.

Re-enter Gladstone Brookes

Three years later I have received an email from them

We have already been successful in reclaiming Mis Sold PPI for you! However, tax was deducted from your PPI redress amount.

Good News Alan!

You may be entitled to a rebate of this Tax Payment

It then goes on to tell me that my claim, if I were to make one, would be conducted by a Third Party company who would act on my behalf against HMRC and would charge me on a no win, no fee basis. Fees are 30% + VAT so 36% of the gross amount of rebate received on my behalf.

36% of the total for something that took me less than 10 minutes to achieve and cost me not a penny.

Gladstone Brookes you are truly taking the piss, please delete me from your Mailing List, I do not authorise you to retain my data for this purpose.

I thank you.

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