
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

Hello – Is There Anybody There?

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Last updated on September 20th, 2023 at 07:36 pm

Last updated on September 20th, 2023 at 07:36 pm

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dorsetshire is a lovely county on the South Coast of England as I’m sure you all know. It boasts rolling hills, trout-bearing chalk streams and the Jurassic Coast. Something for everyone. That is exactly why, with the school summer holidays almost upon us, thousands of people will be temporarily increasing the population of Dorset while they take their Summer Holidays there.

A good time for Dorset Police to introduce a brand new Communications Protocol then? Possibly not, read on.

Who’d have guessed that my ace contact Blodwyn has a Niece working in Dorsetshire? Difficult to imagine I know, but sometimes these coincidences happen.

Blodwyn’s Niece (I’ll call her Rita because that’s her name) sent me this;

Dorset are now going to 2 radio channels for the entire force. That’s 2 radio operators for everyone 24/7 – except Friday lates when they’ll have a third. So Bournemouth, Poole & Christchurch will go on one channel and the rest of the force on the other. This is going live in 2 weeks time – right at the start of the tourist season. Fucking genius.

Fucking genius? Sounds like it to me. The County (Force area) gets busy, this can be predicted, it happens every year. A great time to introduce a new scheme. What could possibly go wrong?

Hello - Is There Anybody There?

If you are a resident of Dorset, or a holidaymaker within the county, and you have problems communicating with the Police in the County, particularly if it’s an emergency, and you feel they could have done better, maybe you could drop a quick note to their Police and Crime Commissioner or Chief Constable and make them aware of your problems in plenty of time for their Review of the improvements which I’m sure will come.

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