
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.


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I was prompted to write this by a recent Tweet;

One of our more recent Twitterers, @roman_virtus, reminding me of the importance of Goodwill.

I only have personal, first-hand experience of two of the Public Services, the Health Service and the Police Service. Both were heavily impregnated with a rich stream of Goodwill.

The politicians will not like it, but it’s only Goodwill that makes the Job work sometimes. I have seen officers stay on past the end of their shift to finish what they’re doing. Not for the overtime (minus the first 30 minutes of course, who on earth signed up for that one?), but for a job well done. To give the Public the Personal Touch, the level of service they deserve.

I have seen officers change their Rest Days so that one of their colleagues could have Time Off that they wouldn’t otherwise have been able to have.

I have seen Officers cover for colleagues, without recompense, so that a colleague could take their child to a hospital appointment.

I have seen officers working on beyond their scheduled Tour of Duty without claiming overtime, because they KNOW that money is short.

These things are called Goodwill. The Job wouldn’t work anywhere near as well without it., The government squeeze and slash, in the last 5 years they have got rid of 17,000 full time officers. Just reflect for one moment and think of the effect that withdrawing Goodwill would have.

Officers know the shortcuts. Not because they are lazy, but they know the practicalities of getting the job done. If everything was done by the book, the way the #DoItRight campaign would have things done, it would take twice as long, and the end result would be the same. Withdrawing Goodwill would have exactly the same effect.

Make no mistake, we are about to lose a few thousand MORE officers under the government’s next round of Austerity cuts, destined to last until about 2019 ish.

Can you imagine that?

Some things need numbers. I am not opposed to increasing efficiency in order to reduce numbers slightly, but the final total should be dictated by need not Economics. If you do that, you, The Public, suffer. Police Officers are also The Public. They have your interests at heart, honestly they do.

Never underestimate the true worth of Goodwill.

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