
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

Crisis? Wot Crisis?

IMG 2419

Last updated on October 24th, 2023 at 03:33 pm

Last updated on October 24th, 2023 at 03:33 pm

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I am no Economist. Domestic or International, I am not your man.

However, I do like to think that  I can recognise a crisis when I  see one.

The Police Service is most definitely an organisation in crisis.  Leaves have been cancelled, and by that I mean that PC Jones has been  told that he/she cannot go on holiday with his/her family this summer.  I have heard from several sources that Cressida Dick has informed her officers in London exactly  that.  Unprecedented.

This in addition to normal Leave Days in mid-week and weekends have been cancelled.  On top of this officers are regularly working 12-16 hour shifts. Not the greatest of ideas if those officers happen to be driving  high performance cars at speed  through our streets.  The current policy of single  crewing means they don’t have the option to share the driving duties with their partner cos they don’t have a partner any more.

Do we really need physically and emotionally exhausted firearms officers on extended tours of duty.The?

I fully accept that Theresa May and her government could  not reasonably have foreseen the dire times we find ourselves in, but they should have anticipated  that something would happen in the future.  I was always told “you don’t get paid for what you do, you get paid for what you might have to do”.  Following that principle we should always maintain a Police Service that is robust and resilient enough to deal with anything such as we have seen  recently.

The reason that we are in this situation is easy to see.   THERESA MAY

It was Theresa May who went ahead with the draconian cuts and all words of warning re  the consequences were met with “stop ctying wolf” “it”s not all about the numbers” accompanied by a total refusal to listen.  Well it is all about the numbers.  Some things simply need numbers to achieve, like dealing with several  major incidents at the same time.

The NHS is also in crisis, brought about by Cameron and Hunt, and continued  by May and Hunt.

The Fire and Rescue Service are also in crisis , budgets slashed , Fire Stations closed and sold off, Fire Engines mothballed or sold off.

The Armed Forces are at their lowest levels since WW2, a level that most people are uncomfortable with I’m sure.

I have just heard that the Police Funding Formula has been scrapped. Good news for the larger Forces like the Met, but not for the smaller and rural Forces .  Don’t just scrap the Funding Formula as s knee-jerk panacea,  do a complete U Turn and restore the appropriate numbers to our Police, NHS, Fire Service and Armed Forces.

Quite simply, find the money from somewhere and reverse your draconian and disastrous cuts. Start listening to those who actually know and can advise you properly of the consequences.

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