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Could It Be That The BBC Tells Lies?

Last updated on October 11th, 2023 at 08:18 pm

Last updated on October 11th, 2023 at 08:18 pm

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Problem Now

Once again the BBC finds itself in the position of being the news rather than reporting the news.

The current scandal, just in case you missed it, relates to a “well known presenter” paying a teenager for explicit photos.

Neither the media nor the BBC choose to identify the person concerned.  You may think that’s reasonable, and maybe it is, but be assured if it was a story about a politician, a doctor or a Police Officer then the BBC would most certainly be naming them.

It’s got so ridiculous, so quickly, that BBC presenters are queueing up to reassure us that it isn’t them.

It has been widely mentioned this morning that the BBC relies upon our collective trust.

This is where my title comes in.

The BBC would have us believe that they are a trustworthy organisation and we can/should believe them.

Well, I have first hand experience of how devious the BBC can be, and certainly not afraid to deviate from the truth.

The Problem Then

A long time ago now I submitted a Freedom of Information Act request because I was interested to know how much the BBC had paid to Diane Abbott specifically, and MPs generally, for their appearances on programmes such as Question Time.

Whilst I’m not Ms Abbott’s greatest fan, to be fair to her, she DID declare her income in the MPs’ Register of Interests, and I neither doubt nor challenge, the amounts that she has registered.

The answer from the BBC however was completely different and Institutionally Arrogant.

I don’t need to repeat their response here, you can read it by following the link, but the one thing that is certain is that the BBC as a publicly funded organisation cannot be relied upon to tell the truth.

Could it be that the BBC tells lies?

It could possibly be argued that it is genuinely in the Public Interest for the anonymous presenter to be identified, happily that is for others to decide.  One thing is certain, whichever course of action is taken, EVERYBODY should be treated the same way.

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