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Call Me Dave to Outsource Parliamentary Protection?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Can this really be true?

Has he gone totally stark raving bonkers (OK so maybe he has).

I read today in the #FailOnline that the Government are considering outsourcing £31 million worth of Protection duties to a company/companies such as G4S.

What the hell does he think he’s playing at?

The fact that he’s even considering outsourcing such duties to G4Salikes proves that he doesn’t give a tuppenny toss for quality of service and reliability.  Has he already forgotten the Olympics fiasco?

If, for one crazy minute, this plan become reality;

It appears that these plans are currently restricted to the Bobbies within the Palace of Westminster, but who knows where it will end.

Will they enjoy the Right To Strike? That could prove interesting.

Will they endure long, protracted, tours of duty without complaint?

Will they and their families tolerate cancelled Rest Days and Annual Leave?

What happens when they need a Warranted Officer to arrest someone, dial 999?

The list just goes on.

…..the policing contract, traditionally provided by the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), which runs out in 2015,”

I suppose everything has to have a contract these days, but some things you just take for granted.  There has never been an alternative up till now, so I never thought about a contract, Palace of Westminster was just another ‘Division’ within the MPS. Now official documents reveal that a review into the contract,  led by parliamentary security director Paul Martin, is exploring ‘all options’ – including ‘outsourcing’ some of the service currently provided by the Met.

Senior Labour MP Barry Sheerman said: ‘After what happened at last year’s Olympics, it beggars belief we’re even considering letting a private firm look after the security of one of the most sensitive sites in the UK.’Mr Sheerman, former chairman of the Commons education committee, also condemned the ‘over-commercialisation’ of the Palaces.He said: ‘This is the historic Palace of Westminster where the nation’s laws are debated and made. It’s not some Disneyland theme park by the Thames.’Nicely put Mr Sheerman.

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