
Mainly a blog site about Policing…….Mainly.

Budgets Before Public Safety?

keyboard warrior Beware The Guardians of Social Media
Reading Time: 2 minutes

I hope not.

I know that it’s Christmas.

I know that means overtime for the Police Forces.

I know that can be expensive and so careful thought is usually given as to how many to have on duty.

I also know that the terrible rains and floods in certain parts of England have been the subject of Met Office weather warnings for more than 24 hours.

We were being warned on 24th December about the risk of fresh rain and flooding following on from the carnage wrought by Storm Eva.

None of us can change, stop or divert the weather, but we can listen to the earnings and take notice.  That is, after all, what they are for, and when RED warnings are being issued for rain and further floods maybe we should take notice.

So I asked Lancashire and West Yorkshire Police if they had called in extra PCs to help with the effects of the flooding, the severity of which has been all too clear.

So far, no answer to either.

This does not mean, of course, that they didn’t bring extra cops in, but it would appear that maybe they didn’t.  There may be perfectly vslid reasons for not doing so, but I do hope that the cost of the excercise wasn’t the main reason.

If either Force answers me I will happily circulate their reply.

I know we can’t stop the floods but I’m sure extra cops would be most useful preventing people driving or ealking into floods, reinforcing closed roads and generally just helping people in distress, many of whom had had to leave their homes AGAIN.

There was a time when there was a Contingency Fund to cover such emergencies, I doubt that still exists eh Cruella?

Budgets should never come before Public Safety, and I hope that they haven’t.


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