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Blood On Their Hands

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I wasn’t really intending to write a post today, but hey ho, one formed in my mind.

In a week that has seen the shocking revelation that there was an alleged plot to assassinate Her Majesty The Queen, I revisited old thoughts.

It was less than a month ago that I posted Buffoonery Without Equal outlying the cuts of nearly 17,000 warranted Police Officers since 2010. PCSOs have also been slashed by this reckless government.

The Army alone has been cut by about. 19.000 with the RAF and Royal Navy also suffering, albeit by less. Police Forces have shed more posts than they are required to. All 3 Armed Forces are at less than their required strength by over 7,000 in total. In whose world does that make sense?

All of these people are people who have sworn their allegiance to The Queen. They didn’t swear allegiance to any Prime Minister or Home Secretary. Does she really want them to go? Did she ever get any realistic say in the matter? No, of course not.

So Cameron, May, Hammond and Winsor, if the unthinkable were to happen and our Queen was murdered/assassinated/topped by these fanatics it may well be because we can no longer defend her and her family adequately from modern-day threats, but you didn’t care about that. After all, no Risk Assessment whatsoever was conducted by Winsor into his his Reviews and recommendations and none were required by the Home Office either. I suspect the MOD are equally rash and incompetent.

In short, Camoron, May, Hammond and Winsor may well end up with blood on their hands, just as much as any terrorist, home-grown or foreign.


Yes, I know it’s Bliar, but I couldn’t find a Camoron.

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